Monday, August 30, 2010

30 mins of Fluff

The Cloth diaper whisper is doing 30 minutes of fluff RIGHT NOW! Kawaii Diaper and a wet bag! Go now!

Chuck Wagon Races

So the hubs is over in Clinton, AR at the Chuck Wagon Races. Yes, he is that guy. He is going to be gone all week and probably return home hurt. Thats usually what happens when he goes. But, I hope he has fun and its not too hot.

Other than that, M came over Saturday and helped me to clean my house. Oh my Gosh, it took forever! We were pretty much at it for 8 hours. I still am having a hard time walking. But it looks great. And I decided that we are going to start doing "chore day". Either on Thursdays or Fridays, we are each going to have certain things that are assigned and they must be done. I am sick to death of the house being gross and me being the only one to do anything about it. I know this week it will stay clean unless I mess it up, but that isn't going to happen.

Also, we are having a yard sale Friday and Saturday. I really hope to get a lot of stuff gone. I want my garage as empty as possible, and no more boxes of stuff. I think I will go through my diapers and get rid of some, that went really well last time.

Alright, back to work.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Full Moon

So, what is it about full moons that brings out the crazies? I swear, everyone I have dealt with at work since Friday has been certifible. They are unreasonable, demanding, and generally, nuts. In my job, I have to deal with victims of crimes. They generally do not know how the justice system works. And if they do know, they know about it from being prosecuted. So, things can get interesting around here. I just don't understand how they can ask and do some of the things they do. And this is not just at work. I went to Walmart yesterday. Yes, I too am a little nuts. But there were some things I needed for dinner and that is really the only store in this area. So, I think most of the people thought it was Halloween. I mean, really? Mesh shirts? On middle aged women? Nuts, I say. We also went swimming at the lake. Now, you can always see something interesting there at the public access beach. A woman, about 55 years old, 5'6" and 250 pounds, in a string bikini. I couldn't look for more than a second or else I would have puked.

Thats all I have for today. Maybe more craziness tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Apple Cheeks Giveaway

Applecheeks is giving about 2 little bundles of their limited edition color, Orange Zest. It is an awesome, fun color. I have been dying to try one of these diapers out. No more taking inserts out before the wash. They come right out. Go over to their blog and check it out.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Weight lose and cloth diapers

My sister and I challenged each other to a weight loss contest last night. First one to lose 10 lbs gets a $10 gift card from the other. So, I am doing the only thing that works for me. Low carb. Now, I know that its supposed to be bad for you. But, its the only diet that works for me. Plus, I am going to try and walk everyday on my lunch break or after work. I just need to get off my fat ass and do something. I am sick of being so fat and having nothing fit right or look good. I am sick of my husband not being interested in me. I don't want to be a fat mom. So, I am doing something about it. I will keep you updated on the contest and the weight loss.

On a different note, I think that I am going to have to bleach my diaper inserts. Yikes. The smell is overwhelming. Even after running extra rinses and washes with Rockin' Green, they still stink. I guess I will work on this sometime this weekend.

Other than that, I think I may have my SIL talked into trying cloth for this next baby. I sent her home with 3 of my diapers to try out. And I have another one for her. I showed her all of mine and she was really interested. I showed her how easy they are to use and told her to call me before she washed so I could walk her through it. I told her that if I can do it, working full time, driving another 10 hours a week and doing everything else I gotta do, she absolutely can do it too. I really hope she will. She tends to have babies with really sensitive skin and it would be so much better for their skin.

Alright, getting to back to work.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Home Grown Families

So, I was checking my Facebook stuff earlier, and came across a post by Home Grown Families. I have been following this blog for a while, and its always very interesting and informative. They recently got a new contributor, which I hadn't read much from yet. Today's post is amazing. Its about how women treat other women. It really got me to thinking about how we are to each other. Women are mean. We are mean to each other. We judge each other. We pick on each other. We tear each other down. Why? To make ourselves feel better? I just don't understand that.

A little history now. Previous to my current job, I worked at a place for almost 4 years. It was a place that was occupied 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 a year. Shift work. For 3 of my 4 years, I was on midnight shift. It was generally fine. We were all too tired to cause problems with each other. Then, after Roo was born, I moved to a day shift position. Que in the problems. All the women who worked day shift were so worried about getting ahead, looking good, and whatever else, they tried to get others in trouble. Wow. I went from never being in trouble, to it being an everyday occurance. Granted, I was burnt out. But, I really think it had more to do with who I was working with than the job. I loved the job. But the people caused me to come home daily crying. I am not a crier. I am strong. I am smart. But they did it. Especially one woman. I honestly feel like she was indimidated by me and so she wanted me out. It worked. I finished my shift, and sent her an email and walked out. I hate myself for that, but really couldn't see another way.

But this is what happens with women. Why must we be so nasty to each other? If we would just support each other, and help each other, wouldn't things be better? I think so. I have been trying my best to change how I talk to other women. I make sure to tell other women they look nice. Did you loose weight? Your hair looks great. Offer to help them. Whatever I can do. I hope that other women will catch a hint and treat me the same way.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Same old, same old

So, I haven't been on here all weekend. Just got really busy. M, Roo and I went yard saleing Saturday. I did pretty good, only spent $15. Then, Roo and I came home and she took a nap and I cleaned. Ugh. For 3 hours. But my house looked beautiful. And my friends came over for dinner and we had a fabulous time. Just talking and laughing and being together. Then, Sunday was lazy day. Roo and I got up, ate breakfast, played, took and 3 hour nap and made dinner. It was great.

So, you all know I have been switching to Cloth Diapers. That is great. Roo can have a small rash and after 2 days, its gone. No creams, just cotton and microfibers. I have also been trying to cut down on my personal uses too. I got the Diva Cup and some mama cloth. Now, if you haven't heard of the Diva Cup, you need to look it up. It is wonderful. It goes inside, like a tampon, but doesn't absorb. It catches. So no Toxic Shock Syndrome. It takes a little to get used to, but I already noticed a difference in the severity of Aunt Flow. And the mama cloth is also great. I have some issues down there that plastic and paper can make worse, and the cotton doesn't. Its so easy to use, just throw it in with my diapers. And it feels so much better with this terrible heat we have been having. I think that M and I are going to try to make some of our own this fall.

Other than that, we have decided to try for another baby. I am officially not taking birth control, but we will see how long it takes. I have been taking my Basil Temperature every morning, so I am really hoping it will only take a couple of months.

Alright, almost bedtime. Night all

Monday, August 2, 2010

General Stuff

Well, I made past my 3 month probationary period at my new job. Yay me! I guess I am good to go unless I do something illegal. I am also qualified for insurance, which is great, since B and I discussed it and we are done with birth control. We are going to ttc #2! I just hope it doesn't take as long as it did with Roo.

My SIL had approached me with a question about cloth diapers. I did a bunch of research and was hoping to meet with her on Saturday but it didn't happen. So I sent her an assignment on Facebook and told her to get back to me. I just wish she would hurry up! I am so excited that she is even kind of considering it. I think it would be a great thing for her to do, because her daughter has the most sensitive skin ever. I am sure the next one will be sensitive too.

Other than that, I went to the casino Friday night with M. She had won tickets to a concert. We decided we were not going to stand out in the parking lot in 100 degree heat for hours, so we stayed inside. I won $400!! Yay me!! I am being pretty good and putting most of it into checking but I am getting a massage and buying B some new jeans.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fluff Envy

Fluff Envy is giving away an Applecheeks bundle on her blog! I have been dying to try Applecheeks because you don't have to take the inserts out. They come out in the wash. No more touching yucky inserts. So go on over there to and enter! Tell Justine I sent you!